March 15, 2009

Geography 101

My fourth grade daughter is studying regions of the United States in school. The exams for each unit include a map where she identifies the states of each region on a map. Her spelling word list for the week always include the states and their capital cities. It is fun to study these with her as I have a geeky knack for naming state capitals and love U.S. geography.

Contrast this with my experience yesterday at an airline check-in counter, when I was ironically departing the Annual National Student Exchange (NSE) Conference. My conversation with the airline employee checking my bag, (to be fair, this person appeared and sounded to be of U.S. citizenry, although I could be mistaken), went something like this.
You're flying to Dezz Moin-ezz today? I'll need to see your passport.

Yes, Des Moines. I have my driver's license.

You need to show a passport for international flights.

I'm going to Des Moines. Des Moines, Iowa.


Has your school considered the benefits of membership in NSE?

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